In the growing and demanding context of Cities, efficient management of Public services, Safety, Productivity, Violations mitigation and Compliances enforcement, that use mobility as the means to deliver the services, are becoming a challenge. Creating an integrated platform of sensing, tracking, communication and Information technology to deliver these services is the smart path that can be followed successfully.
This note outlines the scope for some of the key services delivery, combining the technologies of RFiD + GPS + GSM + IT + Internet.
- Solid Waste Management
- Sewerage (Septic Tank) Clearance Services
- Delivery Management of Water through Tankers, Food & Civil Supplies
- Service Delivery of Police, Fire, Ambulance, Utility Break-down response
- Public Transport Services Management & Passenger Information System
The system proposed will operate on a single common data gateway platform that provides the specific Application for each service, while pooling the data from multiple sources for macro level analytics, planning and decision making. It will also provide the scope to integrate or to collaborate with current legacy platforms of solutions, making it an all-encompassing system.
- Safer roads & lesser accidents through enforcement of violation challan system
- Security of passengers through remote monitoring of exceptional events
- Better compliance of Public Distribution System of essentials (Ration supplies)
- Reliable information and Travel transaction system of public transport from State & State licensed private operators
- Efficient delivery of public utility services viz., Water, Sewerage, Solid waste, etc
- Effective emergency response services viz., Fire, Accidents, Crimes, Power Break-down, etc
- Surveillance for Law & Order maintenance using Police vehicles
- Productivity of State owned vehicles under various Departments and Municipal Corporations
- Transparent & Accountable processes and documentations to both the Government and the Public
- Traffic Analytics generation that helps more reality based planning of infrastructure, facilities, enforcement, etc.
Outcome of the System:
- All Government Owned vehicles will be fitted with a GPS based Tracking Device through a Government Order.
- All new private commercial vehicles are to be fitted with a GPS Tracking Device at RTO at the time of Registration
- All older private commercial vehicles are to be fitted with a GPS Tracking Device at RTO when they come for annual renewal of Fitness certificate/Route permit
- RFID sensors will be fitted additionally on Solid waste vehicles to capture bin unloading event
- Government departments/Municipal Corporations/Private vehicle owners)
- Public Information Modules will be provided for Transport System
- The cost will be paid by the owners of the vehicles at the time of fitment (by respective
- The User end of the solution will have 3 distinctly different platforms, viz.,
- Governance Platform (for Governance Team)
- Productivity Platform (for Vehicle Owners)
- Info & Transaction Platform (for Citizens Use)